Monday, April 22, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 100 - The New Jerusalem - Revelation 21:1 - 22:21

"I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, 
coming down out of heaven from God, prepared 
as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband."
Revelation 21:2

We come to the last passage of our e100 Challenge.  Let's pause and celebrate a great accomplishment.  What a great journey.  What a great story.  What a great God!

Revelation 21-22 conclude the actions of God in human history and initiate the eternal kingdom (Dan. 7:13-14, 27; I Cor. 15:27-28).  

The term "new" Jerusalem emphasizes quality, not chronological time (2:17; 3:12; 3:12; 5:9; 14:3; 21:1,2,5).  All believers are citizens of this new Kingdom. The new creation will be like the original creation.  The Bible begins with God, mankind in perfect harmony (Gen 1-2).  The Bible ends with God and mankind in a garden setting.  Essentially believers are not going to live in heaven, the New Jerusalem is coming down out of heaven and comes to a recreated and cleansed earth.

These are some pretty big ideas.  It isn't possible without the divine work of a redeeming sovereign God.  He is to be praised.

Discussion Questions . . .

1. What does the phrase, "Behold, I am making all things new" mean (21:5)?

2. How will man be able to see God's face (22:4)?

3. Why is the phrase "I come quickly" repeated three times (22:7, 12, 20)? How is it that Jesus can say He is coming quickly?  How should this word be understood?

4. What happens if we add to the book (22:18)?  What if we take away from the book?  Do people either add or take away from the Bible?

5. A practical application of Revelation can be summarized in this way, "Live in Light of Eternity?" How can we keep the reality of eternity clearly in our minds from day-to-day?


Recite to God the ways you have been blessed over the last 100 day Scripture reading series.  Give Him praise for who He is.  Thank Him for salvation and recognize His worth as the sovereign One.  

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 99 - Hallelujah - Revelation 19:1-20:15

The Scriptures we look at today focus our attention on the praise in heaven in anticipation of Christ's triumphal return.  Four times there is a proclamation, "Hallelujah" (19:1,3,4,6).  The word Hallelujah means "Praise Jehovah." There is a din of the great multitude, the roar of rushing waters, the peals of thunder.  The triumph of God over the beast is celebrated in the marriage supper of the Lamb.  His bride is the Church in all her beauty and purity.

Whenever we look to heaven, whether in the picture of Jesus in chapter one, the picture of heaven in chapter four or at the end of the great conflict depicted in chapters 6-18, in heaven, God is always the center, always recognized as supreme and always worshipped.  

There is a day soon coming when "at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil. 2:9-11).

Sing is praise in your hearts today.  Say with the multitude of heaven, "Hallelujah."  Shout His praise.  Worship Him.  He is worthy of our praise.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 98 - The Throne of Heaven - Revelation 4:1-7:17

In today's Scripture Reading we see a picture of heaven. This begins the third section of Revelation as outlined in 1:19, "what will take place later."  John hears a voice that says, "Come up here and I will show you what must take place after this" (4:1).  Everything from 4:1 on is prophecy.  Some see the rapture of the church in these verses.  Rapture is the latin word meaning "transport" and is the theological term describing a time when the church will be caught up to heaven (cf. I Thessalonians 4:13ff).

The word "throne" is used 12 times in this chapter and 46 times in the entire book.  The book of Revelation makes it clear that it is from the throne, God rules the universe.  He is sovereign over everything He has made including the future.

We return to the discussion questions assembled by Keith Krell.  Once you get to the website, scroll down to the In Focus Study Questions #11-14.


The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Friday, April 19, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 97 - Messages To The Churches - Revelation 2:1-3:22

In today's reading we look at the letters to the churches.  Chapter One represented the first section of the book as recored in 1:19, "The things you have seen."  This was a revelation of the glorified Christ.  Chapters 2-3 are the second section of the book expressed in the phrase from 1:19, "what is now."

These seven church were contemporary to this writing in 95 A.D. and reflect a church that has already left its moorings in a few short decades.

These churches and the issues addressed in each should be considered in three ways: First, they were literal chuches with literal pastors John is addressing (Literal).  Second, they are representative of various periods in church history where the church as a whole reflected those struggles (Historical). Third, our own lives and contemporary churches are potentially depicted and if these issues are present should be addressed (Spiritual).

Each of these views may be considered correct. With this in mind, let's look at each of the churches briefly.  

Discussion Questions...

For today's exercise there are a great set of questions developed by Keith Krell which I encourage you to work through.  Once at the website scroll down to questions for chapter 2 & 3.  I have found them very helpful.


The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 96 - A Voice and a Vision - Revelation 1:1-20

"Write, therefore, what you have seen, 
what is now and what will take place later."
Revelation 1:19

Today's Scripture is a powerful declaration of God's presence among His churches (1:9-16).  There is a clear depiction of the reality of the triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, through Whom we have redemption, an expression of His love (1:4-8).  He is One to be worshipped and He is coming again.  John is instructed to deliver what he has seen which came in the form of a revelation (1:1-3).

John is instructed to write down the things he saw: "past, present and future" (1:19).  This forms the outline of the book of Revelation which is written to the Pastors (angels) of the seven churches (lamp stands) in Asia Minor and of course, placed in the Scriptures for our benefit (1:20).  All who read this book are promised blessing (1:3) as it clearly lays out God's plan to bring the summation of all things.  It explains how God moves the story of redemption into eternity.

But for our discussion today, focus on the person of Jesus Christ described in this first chapter.

Discussion Questions...

1. Look at the description of Jesus in verses 12-16.  What does this make you think of?  Why does John use simile to describe Jesus' features?  These are sharp images.  Do you recognize any of these inferences from the Old Testament?

2. Look at John's response to the vision of Jesus Christ in verses 17-18.  What do we see?  What do we learn about worship in this text?  What does the reference to the extension of Jesus "right" hand allude to (cf. Isaiah 41:10)?

3. Jesus says, "I am the Living One, I was dead, but look, I am alive for ever and ever" (1:18).  What is the emphasis in this passage?  Why is it significant to us, particularly in the troubling days in which we live?


Lord Jesus, we worship You this day.  We recognize You as the supreme God Who is "the faithful witness, the first born from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth."  We are in awe of you and humbled by your grace and mercy in which You deal with us.  Thank you for redemption that we might approach you.  Please instill reverence in our hearts for you the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end."  Amen.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 95 - Love One Another - I John 3:11-4:21

Today's Scripture Reading is very pointed.  Don't say you know God if you are not exhibiting His Love.  I John is a wonderful Epistle which uses at least seven tests to bring assurance to the believer that he/she truly belongs to God. I will list them without comment:
1. Are you enjoying fellowship with God (1:2-3; 5:1-5)?
2. Are you sensitive to sin in your life (1:5-2:1)?
3. Are you obedient to God? Is it a pattern in your life (2:3-5)?
4. Do you reject the world and it's philosophy (2:15-17)?
5. Do you love Christ and eagerly wait for His return (3:1-3)?
6. Do you see a decreasing pattern of sin in your life (3:5-10)?
7. Do you love one another (3:11-4:21)?

This book was written to give us confidence that we belong to God (5:10-13) so should not intimidate, but rather encourage us.

Discussion Questions...

1. What does John say was the source of Cain's murder of Abel (3:11-15)?  How does that help us understand the importance of love in our lives?

2. How does John compare Christ's sacrifice with our need for compassion (3:16-18)?  What is your response to injustice and particularly when you see some one in need?

3. Work through chapter 4:7-21 and think further about this 7th test of our faith.  Why is it absurd to think that we can belong to God if we don't love our brother?

4. Connect love and fear in the passage (4:16-18).  How does love eliminate fear?  How does this also affirm us as belonging to God?  


Lord thank you for sharing with us your love through the Holy Spirit Who lives in us.  Though we are un able to love they way you require, thank you for loving through us and showing us what true love looks like at the cross of Calvary.  Amen.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 94 - Faith and Works - James 1:1-2:26

Today's passage has created a lot of question and controversy in the Church.  The question: "How do faith and works connect" (2:14-26)?  It is a great question until it overshadows the book as a whole.  If we were to look at the teaching of the book of James and followed them, the Faith/Works issue would be settled in our hearts because we would be exercising both.

As an example, James 1:2-21 is a powerful way to understand life.  The exhortation to, "consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds" is rooted in what we know.  James explains we can have joy because we know God is using the difficult time or experience to mature our faith and to produce perseverance in us.  This is a call to grow up and allow God to develop maturity in our lives as we stay in the struggle rather that bailing out for an easier way.

James than moves to temptations as not having there source in God, but our own evil desires that respond to the enticement of an alternative to trusting God.  Let's get this right, trials from without promote temptations with.

In order for our faith to be developed, we need to avoid the temptation of following another path, avoiding the obstacles to our goals and renouncing the temptation to indict God as not being anything but "good" and the supplier of every good thing in our lives.  We also, must remember that the anger of man does not accomplish the righteous life that God requires, so we should be quick to listen and slow to speak and become angry.

So, if we follow James' teaching we will not only demonstrate faith in the God who is doing this, but works as we willingly stay under the weight of the temptation long enough for God to mature our faith.

The same would be true of the section on being a hearer AND a doer of the word (1:22-27).  To hear without doing makes the experience without profit.  But when our works which generate from our faith are present, God through the Word  accomplishes the change He desires.

The clarity to this discussion is an understanding that obedience has its source in Faith.  Romans 1:5 teaches us that obedience comes from faith.  So any form of obedience which is not generated from faith in the Lord Jesus is not real obedience that pleases God.

Ponder the Following Questions...

1. Think about times when you have not benefited from the trial you were under.  Why?  Think about the kinds of enticement which lured you away from an obedient response. How was it appealing?  How did it remove you from the stress and strain of the difficulty?

2. Now do the same for the role of the Word of God.  Are there times you have listened to the Scriptures, been convicted about your sin, but did not repent?  What would have been different if in faith you obeyed its teaching and the call of God for you to change?

3. What would have been different if you had acted differently?  What would have to change for that to happen?


Lord, today we praise you for being the all-wise God.  We say, we love you and see you to be a God who provides everything good in our lives.  We thank you for your love exhibited in our experiences which at times are difficult, but will be for our good if we will trust you and obey you though it.  Amen.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Monday, April 15, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 93 - A Living Hope - I Peter 1:1-2:12

In Today's Passage we learn about a rich inheritance reserved in heaven for us.  We are told we are born again to a living hope and are kept by God's power to be one day joined to the full experience of that possession.  This understanding anchors us in times of testing when the Lord is refinishing our faith and developing our character so that our faith will even bring greater glory to God on the day Jesus Christ is fully revealed (1:3-9).

These are rich ideas.  I trust they are also inspiring and encouraging as you seek to live the Christian life in which we are called foreigners and exiles in a strange land.  In this place where we are often misrepresented and even openly attacked we are to live "good live" which disarm the attackers and will be undeniable on the Day of Judgment (2:11-12).

Ponder the Following Questions...

1.  How does the teaching of (1:3-12) inform the way we are called to live in (1:13-21)?  Unpack the idea of having minds that are "alert and fully sober."  How will this impact your attentiveness to a holy lifestyle?

2. How does Peter connect the Word of God and the imperishable nature of our calling with embracing a genuineness of our love for each other shedding things like malice, deceit, envy and slander which undermine it (1:22-2:3)?

3. What is the significance for us being called a Royal priesthood to God and stones like Jesus who is our chief cornerstone (2:4-12)?


Lord, thank you for loving us.  Thank you for this rich heritage  we have connected to you, the Eternal God, through faith in Jesus Christ.  Help us to live in the light of our calling.  Help us to live lives of integrity, purity and love in this world, so that people will be drawn to you.  Amen.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 92 - A New Creation in Christ - II Corinthians 4:1-6:2

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, 
he is a new creation; the old has gone, 
the new has come" (5:17).

Today's passage is rich with meaning.   The Apostle Paul describes the ministry of the New Covenant. It's message changes everything in our lives.  When embraced by faith we gain an eternal perspective.  This life is temporary therefore we live our lives with a desire to please the Lord (5:9-10).  Paul was willing to suffer for this message, but with a perspective of eternity does not give up or lose heart (chapter 4), because he understood, "for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" (4:17).

We are ambassadors of this message, like the Apostle Paul, imploring people to be reconciled to God (5:20). This reality is possible because of what Jesus did on behalf of us.  He took our sin to the cross, paid its debt, "so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" (5:21).

God calls us to not miss this wonderful offer of salvation (6:1-2).  It is available to all who will simply receive it by faith.

Discussion questions...

1. Why was Paul being attacked by some who questioned his motives for ministry in chapter 4?

2. Embedded in his defense is an amazing description of what God does in the life of the believer (4:1-6).  We also learn why people don't receive the message.  Think through the word, "blind" and the source of blindness.  And look back into chapter 3 to understand the concept of the "veil."

3. How should these two important ideas help us to pray for people who have not yet trusted in Christ as their Savior?

Prayer Ideas...

Thank God for lifting the veil of unbelief in your heart when He pierced your heart with the light of the gospel.  Thank God for salvation, an eternal perspective and a deep love for those who yet need a Savior.  

Thank God that now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation (6:2). Pray that God would release those who are spiritually blind so that they might believe and receive eternal life.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 90- The Coming of the Lord- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

Today's passage is full of joy and hope as we anticipate the second coming of Christ and being joined with Him and those who have passed before us. As believers, we have this comfort knowing that we will one day be with all believers who have passed before us. What a comfort during times of grief! At the same time, I can't help but have a sense of urgency for those who are lost. As noted in this passage, the day and time of Christ's return will be a surprise, like a thief in the night. Knowing that time is growing shorter, should we not be eager to spread this good news with those around us?

Things to consider...

At the end of each section its says to encourage one another. What do each of these sections teach that would cause us to encourage each other with these words? 

Think about the day the Lord returns and the promises we have of being with Him for eternity. Praise God for this hope we look forward to because of Jesus' resurrection!

Thank God for providing comfort during our sadness when loved ones pass away, knowing that if they are believers we will one day see them again. Ask God to help you share this Good News with others who are around you who don't believe. 

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 89- All Scripture is God-breathed- 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8

In 2 Timothy 3:1-10 Paul's focus is on false teachers, seeing how they live one way, and teach another. When we begin today's passage in verse 10, we see a clear contrast with "You, however" as Paul provides a different model for Timothy. He calls him to faithful living and ministry, holding fast to the scriptures and continuing to follow his example. Paul reminds of how God's Word is to be central, equipping us for everything and providing truth for every situation. There are those who will create their own form of 'truth' simply to accommodate and fit their own desires. We must be cautious of this, turning only to the truth in God's Word. 

Questions to consider...

What are some ideas today that are perceived to be 'truth' but fall short of being correct in scripture? Why is it important to be aware of these? 

What are some practical tools that will help us identify God's truth when the world's 'truth' seems to be acceptable? (Look back on Ephesians 6:10-20)


Lord, help us to stand firm in Your Word and Truth. Please grant us wisdom and knowledge to decipher present issues that contradict Your Truth. Thank you for equipping us with your Word and providing for us. 

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 88- Good Soldiers of Christ- 2 Timothy 2:1-26

Click here for today’s passage

In 2 Timothy, Paul, who is approaching the end of his life, writes to Timothy to encourage him to persevere though the trials that will come and to stand firm in truth. He encourages him to pass on the gospel to faithful men, who will then in turn teach others about Christ, so that the gospel may be preserved for generations to come. He urges Timothy not to be distracted from his task to spread the gospel, to meditate on it and be open for God to give him understanding. The believer needs to be mindful of his actions fleeing youthful desires and pursuing things of God, through His power at work. God’s empowering and the believer’s efforts work together. 

Questions to consider…

What are the benefits of training younger generations in the gospel at an early age and entrusting them with the gospel? 

What is the connection between Paul's warning to flee youthful passions and the passing on and spreading of the gospel? 

Pray for the younger generations of believers. Pray that they'll grow in knowledge of who God is and the grace He has given us. Pray also for God's strength as you face trials  daily that may hinder you from living the gospel and sharing it with others. 

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 87- The Love of Money- 1 Timothy 6:3-21

Paul begins today’s passage revisiting the idea of false teachers and their faulty thinking that godliness leads to gain. He is quick to share how wealth and riches are of no gain when a person has an eternal perspective. Instead of putting energy and focus on the desire to gain wealth, as Christians we are challenged to “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness”. No matter our financial situation God desires us to place our trust and hope in Him, that He will provide.

Questions to consider…

In what practical ways can you pursue one of the things that Paul challenges us to seek? 

How is money a distraction from this? 

Thank you Lord for providing for our needs. Thank you for the reminder that our hope and attention should be on eternal things, not on earthly wealth that will pass away. Please help us to be wise and generous with what you’ve entrusted to us, that we may use it for your glory. 

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 86- Elders and Deacons- 1 Timothy 3:1-16

This passage begins by laying out the characteristic traits that leaders in the church should posses. The intent of the description is to give a picture of a mature Christian, who has demonstrated that the gospel has had a direct impact on their lifestyle. Paul continues on the passage by explaining why these characteristics are essential to the church. These household rules, or instructions for how the church should conduct itself, are put into place so that the church can uphold the truth.  

Questions to consider…
These guidelines were given to help the church function more effectively as a whole. What is the benefit of having leaders with the characteristics?

As a church, we are the pillar and foundation of the truth, or the gospel. If we compromise our conduct, how does this affect the world’s view on God’s church? What is the ultimate consequence of not following these guidelines?

Praise God for His guidelines and instructions that are in place to help us and uphold His truth. Pray for the leaders and people in our church, that we would possess these characteristics; so that we will be a strong witness in truth to those we come in contact with. And when people do notice these qualities, pray that we always point them back to the One who enables us to demonstrate them. 

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 85- The Supremacy of Christ- Colossians 1:1-23

“…all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

From this passage, this was one section that held my attention. It was wonderful to read this passage and dwell on the power and authority of our Savior. All things were created for Him. Everything. Thinking through everything I encounter just in a day in terms of being created by Him and for Him alone is an amazing thought! From the person who is hard to love some days, to the creation around us, it all was created for Him, just like I am! It truly puts life into perspective and simplifies! Not only was everything created for Him, but He holds it all together. The little worries I deal with to the larger issues in life, He holds it together according to His will and desire, because I was created for Him. His authority is incomprehensible, but meditating on it makes us unable to do anything but worship Him.

This passage can be somewhat common, but I’d encourage you to re-read it a few times. Think about areas in your life that it would be beneficial to remember that He holds it all together and that all things were created for Him. From a difficult or fearful situation, the loss of a job, or a difficult person in life, these verses easily put our thoughts back into perspective of why we are here!


About these areas in life. Ask Him to remind you of His authority and control. Pray that He will “fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord…”

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 84 Philippians 4:2-9

BACKGROUND: Paul visited Philippi during his second missionary journey and established a church there, first with the conversion of Lydia (Acts 16:13-15).  He wrote this letter to them most likely during his imprisonment in Rome, urging and challenging them to live the Christian life.  Think about this theme as you read this passage and meditate on the questions below.

Why the appeal to Euodia and Syntyche (see Php 2:1-4)?  And then to yokefellow and Clement (hint: Gal 6:1-2)?

What are some keys you see to a joyful life (see Paul’s example in his response to imprisonment in Acts 16:25)?  How might you use Paul’s framework on thinking (v8) and/or doing (v9) to address a sinful pattern in your life?

Paul prescribes prayer as the antidote to anxiety (v6).  When these exhortations are heeded, what results?  If you lack joy and peace, what might that indicate?

PRAY: Thank GOD for his power and plan for peace in our lives.  Ask Him to help us live out our lives by faith, replacing anxiety with prayer, and committing our thoughts and deeds to His glory.

                                                                      Jane Reagan/Chris Moyer

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 83 Ephesians 6:10-20

BACKGROUND: Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church was most likely written while he was in prison in Rome.  While a specific purpose is not stated outright, the letter addresses the “wealth” a believer as in Christ, the “walk” that is suitable for the believer, and the “warfare” that we are to expect from our enemy, Satan.

What are the devil’s schemes?  What is the oldest scheme used by Satan (see Gen 3:1-5)?

What are we really struggling against (v 12)?  Why is it important to keep this in mind?

What are our defenses for the spiritual war?  Which one do you especially sense needs to be applied to fight the battle today?

Note the emphasis Paul places on prayer (vv18-20).  Is prayer your first line of defense or a last resort?

PRAY: Thank God that He provides his armor for you.  Pray for all the saints and especially for one of Penn Valley’s ministers of the gospel to be able to fearlessly make known the gospel.

                                                                            Jane Reagan/Chris Moyer

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 82 Galatians 5:16-6:10

BACKGROUND: In this letter from Paul to the church in Galatia, he defends his apostolic authority and concisely explains justification by faith in Christ rather than by works.  He also includes teaching on how Christians should live by the power of the Holy Spirit.

According to vv 16-17, why is it so hard to live a Spirit-led life?

Use the fruit of the Spirit to inventory your life.  Based on this passage, what is your life characterized by – the fruit of the Spirit or the sinful nature?

How does GAL 6:1-2 challenge you in how you respond to others today?  How is it that the law of Christ is fulfilled in so doing (hint: Matt 22:37-40)?

PRAY: Thank the Lord Jesus for not leaving us as orphans and sending the promised Holy Spirit to us just as He said he would.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to identify areas of your life that you have yet to “crucify” and bring you to a place of greater yieldedness to Him.

                                                                 Jane Reagan/Chris Moyer