Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 82 Galatians 5:16-6:10

BACKGROUND: In this letter from Paul to the church in Galatia, he defends his apostolic authority and concisely explains justification by faith in Christ rather than by works.  He also includes teaching on how Christians should live by the power of the Holy Spirit.

According to vv 16-17, why is it so hard to live a Spirit-led life?

Use the fruit of the Spirit to inventory your life.  Based on this passage, what is your life characterized by – the fruit of the Spirit or the sinful nature?

How does GAL 6:1-2 challenge you in how you respond to others today?  How is it that the law of Christ is fulfilled in so doing (hint: Matt 22:37-40)?

PRAY: Thank the Lord Jesus for not leaving us as orphans and sending the promised Holy Spirit to us just as He said he would.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to identify areas of your life that you have yet to “crucify” and bring you to a place of greater yieldedness to Him.

                                                                 Jane Reagan/Chris Moyer

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