Thursday, April 18, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 96 - A Voice and a Vision - Revelation 1:1-20

"Write, therefore, what you have seen, 
what is now and what will take place later."
Revelation 1:19

Today's Scripture is a powerful declaration of God's presence among His churches (1:9-16).  There is a clear depiction of the reality of the triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, through Whom we have redemption, an expression of His love (1:4-8).  He is One to be worshipped and He is coming again.  John is instructed to deliver what he has seen which came in the form of a revelation (1:1-3).

John is instructed to write down the things he saw: "past, present and future" (1:19).  This forms the outline of the book of Revelation which is written to the Pastors (angels) of the seven churches (lamp stands) in Asia Minor and of course, placed in the Scriptures for our benefit (1:20).  All who read this book are promised blessing (1:3) as it clearly lays out God's plan to bring the summation of all things.  It explains how God moves the story of redemption into eternity.

But for our discussion today, focus on the person of Jesus Christ described in this first chapter.

Discussion Questions...

1. Look at the description of Jesus in verses 12-16.  What does this make you think of?  Why does John use simile to describe Jesus' features?  These are sharp images.  Do you recognize any of these inferences from the Old Testament?

2. Look at John's response to the vision of Jesus Christ in verses 17-18.  What do we see?  What do we learn about worship in this text?  What does the reference to the extension of Jesus "right" hand allude to (cf. Isaiah 41:10)?

3. Jesus says, "I am the Living One, I was dead, but look, I am alive for ever and ever" (1:18).  What is the emphasis in this passage?  Why is it significant to us, particularly in the troubling days in which we live?


Lord Jesus, we worship You this day.  We recognize You as the supreme God Who is "the faithful witness, the first born from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth."  We are in awe of you and humbled by your grace and mercy in which You deal with us.  Thank you for redemption that we might approach you.  Please instill reverence in our hearts for you the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end."  Amen.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

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