Thursday, January 31, 2013

e 100 Challenge- Day 19- The Passover (Exodus 12:1-42)

Once again in today's passage, we see God intervening on behalf of His people.  Through Moses, God asks the people to slay a Lamb, eat the lamb and take some of its blood and put it on the top and the sides of the doorframes of their homes.   This way, when the Lord would come to bring death to the Egyptians, He would see the blood, pass over and spare all the lives in that house!  The blood distinguished between those who would live and those who wouldn’t.  However in order for the blood to be placed on the doorpost, the death of a Lamb was required.  This takes on greater significance when Jesus becomes our Passover (1 Cor. 5:7)

Questions to Consider

1.  What would have happened to the Jewish family if they    
      failed to obey Moses’ instruction to put the blood of a Lamb
      without blemish on the top and side of their doorposts?

2. Paul reminds us as Christians (1Cor. 11:22-25) that we are to  
     celebrate communion in remembrance of who and what?

3. The blood on the doorpost had the potential to save a nation,   
 only if the blood was applied by faith.  Christ’s blood, shed on the cross can save our souls only if we apply it to our lives by faith.  Have you applied the blood of Christ by faith to your life?

Give thanks to God for His provision of Jesus’ blood to cleanse you from sin and to make you wholly (holy) ready to inherit eternal life!

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-Site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100 day Bible reading program.  True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God.  We can only live the life God intended if we know what he says about it.  Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowlege of God's Word.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

e-100 Challenge- Day 18 - Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh- Exodus 6:28-11:10

In our reading this morning, God promises Israel His deliverance from slavery and He is using Moses as His spokesmen. Moses and Aaron engage in a series of ten difficult confrontations with Pharaoh that found expression both verbally and with demonstrations of God's power.  In this passage we see not only God's personal concern for Israel, but also a concern for His glory!

Questions to Consider:

1. What do you think the Israelite slaves must have felt as they
    watched God demonstrate His power (in the ten plagues) on 
    their behalf?

2. How have you seen God demonstrating His power in your life?

3. In what area of your life do you need to trust in God's power to 
    step out in faith to confront the pharaoh's in your life?

Thank God for His promises to you, including the promise of His power.  Ask Him for the faith to access that power for His glory and your joy!

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-Site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100 day Bible reading program.  True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God.  We can only live the life God intended if we know what he says about it.  Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowlege of God's Word.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

e 100 challenge Day 17- The Burning Bush- Exodus 3:1-4:4

        Yesterday we saw how God protected Moses' life.  In today's reading we will see that God protected Moses because Moses would be used of God to deliver the people of Israel from their bondage to Egypt.  The Lord said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt.  I have heard them crying
         because of thier slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.  Exodus 3:7
The God of the Bible is a God who sees and hears the cries of His people from His throne in heaven.  This is clearly seen conveyed in the comforting verse in Exodus 3:7.  In fact, according to Genesis 15:12-14, God knew about the suffering of His people hundreds of years before what we are reading in todays passage occured.

Questions to Consider…..
1. What does this passage of scripture reveal to you about
2. What is God doing for Moses, in Moses and eventually
     through Moses?
3. The God who called Moses is the God who helps Moses
     accomplish the call, how does this encourage you in doing
     what God is asking you to do for Him?

Ask God to reveal Himself to you (as He did to Moses) as your Helper.  Then ask Him to help you be the person He calls you to be and do the things He calls you to do, for His glory!

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-Site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100 day Bible reading program.  True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God.  We can only live the life God intended if we know what he says about it.  Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowlege of God's Word.

Monday, January 28, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 16 - Birth of Moses - Exodus 1:1-2:25

In today's passage we read about God's protection over Moses and ultimately the nation of Israel.  In verse three we read, "But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile."

 It is very interesting that these God fearing parents (Hebrews 11:23) would place their baby boy into the same river where all the other boys were were to be thrown to die according to Pharoah's edict in Exodus 1:22. 

Questions to Ponder......
1. According to Hebrews 11:23, what was it that moved Moses'
    parents to place him in the Nile River?

2. We often want to protect our children (ourselves) from danger,
     even if  it is in the will of God.  How does the surrendering of
     Moses to God (by faith) fit into the bigger plan that God had for
     Moses? For the people of Israel? (see Exodus 3:10)

3. How did the surrenduring of Jesus' life to His father fit into the
    bigger plan of God (see 1Peter 2:23-25).

Prayer: Ask the Lord to grow your faith, so that you might be able to surrender your life to God so that His bigger plan of bringing people and glory to Himself might not be hindered.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-Site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100 day Bible reading program.  True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God.  We can only live the life God intended if we know what he says about it.  Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowlege of God's Word.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 15 - Joseph Reveals His Identity - Genesis 45:1-46:7

 Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother.
I can remember going to my 25th high school reunion and the embarrassment of seeing people who remembered me but I didn't recognize...that is, until they revealed themselves as they watched my face turn red. Can you relate?

In this passage we have Joseph's brothers, who not only sold Joseph into slavery, but never anticipated seeing him again. All of a sudden, in a time of crisis and need, they find that the brother they sold into slavery is the one who could meet that need.  These guys were not only embarrassed, but they were scared!  Who wouldn't be?

And yet, Joseph's response to them was one that was not only loving, but it was redemptive! All his brothers had to do to receive the deliverance that Joseph could provide was to come close to him. Sort of like our relationship with God, right?

Questions to Ponder.....
1. Do you remember what you felt like when God first convicted
    you of  your sin against Him....How did you feel?

2. How did God respond to your sin?   Who did He send to deliver
3. Read Matt.11:28-30. How does Jesus tell us we can  find rest
    from the burdens, failures and even the "successes" in life?

Prayer: Give thanks to God for Jesus Christ who not only gives us rest for our (hungry) souls, but delivers us from our sin and provides new and abundant life by just coming to him in faith!

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-Site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100 day Bible reading program.  True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God.  We can only live the life God intended if we know what he says about it.  Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowlege of God's Word.