Monday, April 15, 2013

e100 Challenge Day 93 - A Living Hope - I Peter 1:1-2:12

In Today's Passage we learn about a rich inheritance reserved in heaven for us.  We are told we are born again to a living hope and are kept by God's power to be one day joined to the full experience of that possession.  This understanding anchors us in times of testing when the Lord is refinishing our faith and developing our character so that our faith will even bring greater glory to God on the day Jesus Christ is fully revealed (1:3-9).

These are rich ideas.  I trust they are also inspiring and encouraging as you seek to live the Christian life in which we are called foreigners and exiles in a strange land.  In this place where we are often misrepresented and even openly attacked we are to live "good live" which disarm the attackers and will be undeniable on the Day of Judgment (2:11-12).

Ponder the Following Questions...

1.  How does the teaching of (1:3-12) inform the way we are called to live in (1:13-21)?  Unpack the idea of having minds that are "alert and fully sober."  How will this impact your attentiveness to a holy lifestyle?

2. How does Peter connect the Word of God and the imperishable nature of our calling with embracing a genuineness of our love for each other shedding things like malice, deceit, envy and slander which undermine it (1:22-2:3)?

3. What is the significance for us being called a Royal priesthood to God and stones like Jesus who is our chief cornerstone (2:4-12)?


Lord, thank you for loving us.  Thank you for this rich heritage  we have connected to you, the Eternal God, through faith in Jesus Christ.  Help us to live in the light of our calling.  Help us to live lives of integrity, purity and love in this world, so that people will be drawn to you.  Amen.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

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