Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 78 Acts 15:1-41

Background: Success in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles and the growth of Gentile churches created problems: some Jewish Christians came to Antioch and insisted that circumcision should be required prior to salvation.  Paul further elaborated on this faction in Galatians 2:1-5.  In an effort to follow God when faced with difficulties and division, Paul and Barnabas were sent from Antioch to Jerusalem to meet with the apostles and elders about this question.

What are some of the ways these men evidenced maturity as they dealt with this matter of dispute?
How might you apply the principles followed by the godly leaders of the Jerusalem Council to a matter of dispute between you and a brother or sister in Christ today or in the future?

Why did the council reach the conclusion that circumcision was not required as a prerequisite for becoming a Christian and at the same time issue instructions to the believers about following dietary laws and refraining from sexual immorality?

Paul and Barnabas disagree (v36-41).  What does this tell us about unity?  Will we all see situations the same way?

PRAY: Thank God for the examples set forth in Scripture on how to resolve conflict in a godly manner.  Ask Him to help you understand your part in and how to resolve current conflicts to His glory.

                                                                                                                                                           Jane Reagan/ Chris Moyer

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 77- The First Missionary Journey-Acts13:1-14:28

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” (Acts 13:2)

The Holy Spirit is continuing to be on the move! Some would say the book of Acts is a book of "The acts of the Holy Spirit" working in the lives of the early Christians.  There definitely is a constant theme of the Holy Spirit leading God's people on a mission to reach the world. 

Questions to Ponder...
1.) In chapter 13, how were the first missionaries sent on their mission?
2.) In chapter 14, how did the first missionaries conclude their mission?
3.) What is the role of the local church in missionary work?

Ways to Pray...
Ask the Lord to guide you and listen to the Holy Spirit's prompting in your life to do the good work that God has created you in advance through Christ Jesus.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 76-The Road to Damascus-Acts 9:1-31

Wow! In today's reading we see God's glory, power and grace displayed in the transformation of Saul's life. God is continuing to build his church and display his manifold wisdom to the world! How ironic that Jesus would confront and choose His lead persecutor to be his one of his lead ambassadors!  Jesus is clearly King and He continues to expand his Church through the work of the Holy Spirit in-spite of the persecution.

Questions to Ponder...
1.) If Jesus had already ascended to heaven, why did Jesus ask Saul : "Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?" 
2.) Even thought Saul was converted, his Jewish peers did not stop persecuting the church. What does this tell us about the intense spiritual battle for the message of Jesus Christ?
3.)In verse 31, who encouraged the church?

Ways to Pray...
Father, thank you for calling me out to be one of your ambassadors. Lord please give me your boldness to continue to live out the Gospel message.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 75- Good News for All- Acts 10:1-11:18

This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body , and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 3:6)

Praise God for this mystery that was once hidden but now is revealed! God's plan to reach the world through Jesus Christ is coming to light. God has a plan to redeem the world from its curse. Salvation is available to all who believe in the sent One Jesus Christ.

Questions to Ponder...
1.) Why do you think God spoke to Peter about going to Cornelius' house?
2.) What was the sign that the Gentiles were saved?
3.) When the Jews heard that the Gentiles were baptized by the Holy Spirit, what was their response?

Ways to Pray...
Thank God for opening the door for you a Gentile to receive His grace. Ask Him to open your eyes to His grace to other people in your life.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 74- Sharing the Word- Acts 8:26-40

Have you ever had a problem and you didn't know what to do and wished that God would just write it in the sky for you?  Well in today's reading we see God speak very clearly to a man named Philip to go and do something. The man named Philip, obeyed and was used by God to bring the message of salvation to someone and they received it!

Questions to Ponder...
1.) Have you ever felt the Spirit telling you to do something or say something but ignored it?
2.) What were the benefits of Philip obeying the Spirit's prompting?
3.) What were the risks of Philip obeying the Spirit's prompting?
4.) Is God currently telling you something to do?

Ways to Pray
"Be still and know that I Am God." Psalm 46:10  
Father help me to be still enough to hear your Spirit's prompting in my life and may I obey it immediately.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 73- The First Martyr- Acts 6:8-8

"These men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke." (Acts 6:9b-10)

The Holy Spirit had been given to the church and was moving mightily through the early church believers.  The Jews were becoming very envious of the rapidly growing group of followers of Jesus Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit was too much for them so instead of yielding their lives to God, they continued to plot for ways to kill and destroy.  This is a natural by-product of legalism, when it loses control it quickly rationalizes evil actions like murder in order to regain its control.

Questions to Ponder...
1.) What caused the "law abiding" Jews to hate Stephen so much?
2.) Why was the message that Stephen was preaching so threatening?
3.) Why would God allow such a good man like Stephen to be murdered? What good came of it?

Ways to Pray...
Lord help me to trust in you today and not my own works of righteousness. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

e100 Challenge- Day 72- Growth and Persecution- Acts 3:1-4:37

"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13

In today's reading, we again see the power of the Holy Spirit taking over Peter and John. These men's lives had been radically changed by this man called Jesus!  The religious leaders knew they could not stop this movement from growing. Something powerful had taken over these mere fisherman and was rapidly spreading through the city of Jerusalem. 

Questions to Ponder...
1.) Why do you think the religious leaders were astonished by what they saw in Peter and John?
2.) What does this say about who God chooses to do his work?
3.) Why do you think the believers were "all one in heart and mind?"

Ways to Pray...
God please use me today to spread your message to those who do not know you. Father I am yours, use me as you please!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

e100 Challenge- Day 71- Pentecost- Acts 2:1-47

"Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised...But you will recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses" Acts1:5a  & 8b

What an amazing gift! This gift that was given by our heavenly father has given the church the power to be a bold witness for him!  Peter was cowardly and denied Christ 3 times but once the Holy SPirit comes upon him he is able to boldly preach the Good News to the Jews! The Holy Spirit's presence is the key factor for the church to display God's manifold wisdom to the world.

Questions to Ponder...
1.) What was the result of the Spirit's outpouring on the early believers?
2.) What is the Spirit called in verse 38?
3.) How is the Spirit a gift to us?

Ways to Pray...
Father thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit to empower us. Holy Spirit I ask you to guide me today. Empower me to be the person you want me to be in and outside the church.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day- 70- The Ascension- Acts 1:1-11

Luke wrote two books of the New Testament under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  The first book is the gospel of Luke and the second is the one we are reading from today.  We pick up in Acts 1, where Luke left off at the end of his gospel in  chapter 24. Jesus has been risen from the dead and before He goes back into heaven (alive) from where He came; He gives a command!  Jesus last command should be our first concern.

Questions to Ponder:

1. What is the command Jesus gives to His Apostles?  What
     were they to be witnesses of ? (See Luke 24:45-48)

2. What is the gift that Jesus said He would give to His 
     witnesses?  What is the importance of the gift in the carrying
     out  of Jesus' command.

3. Was the gift only for the Apostles?  (Eph.1:13; 1Cor.12:13)

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit not only to be with us, but to be in us (John 14:17-18).  Thank you Holy Spirit for not only sealing us for the day of redemption, but for giving us power to share this redemptive message with others!

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 69-The Resurrection- John 20:1-21:25

He has risen!  He has risen indeed!  Many Christians throughout the world join together in this truthful and joyous acclamation on Easter Sunday.  While this is right and true for Christians, the ramifications of the resurrection of Jesus Christ affect us every day.   Jesus resurrection has far reaching and eternal implications for those who believe as well as those who don't.

Questions to Ponder:

1. In John chapter twenty vv.19-26, Jesus says to His disciples three times, "Peace be with you.  Why do you think Jesus asks this?  Does the resurrection have anything to do with Jesus' extension of peace?

2. In John 20:19&26 Jesus the risen Christ is reunited with His disciples.  He came to them and stood among them even though the door was locked on both occasions....pretty amazing huh?  What does this truth illicit in Thomas' heart?  What does it illicit in your heart this morning?

3. In the past few days Jesus did many miraculous things, but His own resurrection was by far the most important.   Why does John record these miracles and Jesus' own resurrection in his gospel?

Pray:  Read Romans 4:25 and give thanks to God for His Son Jesus Christ through whom we have not only been forgiven, but have been made righteous and made fit for our heavenly dwelling!

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 68- The Crucifixion- John 19:1-42

This was the hour for which Jesus came, this is what the prophet Isaiah spoke about seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ. This has often been called the "The Passion", whereby the Holy Son of God takes upon Himself our sins and then, those who place their faith and trust (vs.36) in Him are cleansed of their sins!  This is the greatest act of love that the world has or will ever see.....God demonstrating His love toward us in that while we were still His enemies because of our sin, Jesus dies for us even as it was and is spoken in the Word of God, the Bible!

Questions to Ponder:

1. Jesus during His ministry demonstrated power over nature, 
    sickness and even death.  Why does Jesus say what He says to 
    Pilate in vs.11?

2. Way back in Genesis 3:15,God tells Satan that a Messiah would
    come and crush his head, but that Satan would crush His heal. 
    How was the Savior's heal struck in this passage?

3. In two places in this passage John says that these things 
    happened so that the scripture might be fulfilled.  How can these 
    two statements being comfort and bring increase to your faith?

Pray: Give thanks to God that though Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy, his power is not greater than God's, and his striking Jesus' heal pales in comparison to the power Jesus demonstrates in crushing Satan's head with His own resurrection!  Praise God that the scripture doesn't record a dead Christ, but a living victorious Christ as we will see tomorrow!

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 67- The Arrest and Trial - John 18:1-40

Jesus' predictions in yesterday's passage become reality in today's text.  We not only see the betrayal of Judas, the denial of Peter, but we also see Jesus moving closer to the Roman Cross He said he would die on, so He could provide salvation to those who would believe on Him.  Even though Jesus is found innocent by Pilate, the Jews still want the King of Kings crucified, even to the degree that they were willing to let a proven criminal go.

Questions to Ponder:

1. In previous readings, Jesus demonstrated His power by 
    calming a storm, healing sick people and raising a dead man.  
    How does Jesus demonstrate His power in this passage?  vs.6

2. In vv. 8&9, Jesus makes a statement pertaining to His 
    disciples, asking for their release.  Who do the Jews ask to be 
    released from prison?

3. Even though Jesus was not found guilty in the courtroom of 
    Pilate or of the High Priest, why was He (the innocent) 
    arrested and the guilty the guilty released?

Prayer: The Jews didn't go into Pilate's palace, so as to not sin and defile themselves before the Passover, but Jesus the King of the Jews was summoned there, indicating the guilt He would take upon Himself so He could release us from ours!  READ Luke 4:18&19.....Thanks Jesus (the innocent) for being weilling to bear our guilt in the world's courtr

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 66- The Lord's Supper (Luke 22:1-46)

In the hours preceding Jesus' death we see the jealousy of the religious leaders that leads to the murder of Jesus, the greed of Judas that leads to the betrayal of Jesus, the desire for greatness that leads to Peter's denial of Jesus and the other disciples to argue. All these desires and outcomes are the fruit of the kingdom of darkness and the basic principles of this world.  The kingdom of God however, is completely different, it finds it's roots in a completely different way of thinking that results in a completely different way of living.

Questions to Ponder:

1. In the kingdom of this world, how do political leaders such as 
    kings, presidents and sometimes even religious leaders lead?

2. As the king over the Kingdom of God, how does Jesus lead 
    among those He is calling to God's kingdom?

3. Satan, the tempter, not only entered Judas to lead him to betray 
    Jesus and His kingdom, but he also tempted and succeeded in 
    duping Peter to deny Jesus, BUT Peter's faith didn't fail.  How
    is that demonstrated in Peter's life in this passage?

Pray: Thank the Lord Jesus for calling you to Himself and for
           serving you through His body and His blood.  Ask the Lord 
           to help you not to fall into temptation, but to deliver you  
           from evil today, so that  you may freely serve Him and His

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 65- Raising Lazarus from the Dead (John 11:1-57)

In a few weeks Christians all around the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! In this familiar passage Jesus says,
"I am the resurrection and the life" to those who believe.  In today's passage, Jesus displays His power not only over the devil (yesterday's reading), but over death itself!  This is the "Good News" that every follower of Christ not only believes, but is called to share.

Questions to ponder:

1. In vs.14&15, why does Jesus wait so long before He goes to 
    raise Lazarus?

2. Just before Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, He prays a 
    prayer to His Father and ours.  What was the content of His 

3. If Jesus wanted His disciples and all who mourned with
    Martha and Mary to believe; what does Jesus want you to do

Prayer: Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 and thank the LORD for the promise of your resurrection in Jesus and ask Him to help you to live out of that resurrection power today.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day-64 Healing the Demon Possessed Man (Mark 5:1-20)

Last week we saw Jesus Healing the blind man, in today's reading, Jesus heals a man possessed by a demon.  In the chapter just before this one, Jesus calms the turbulent waters from a boat by speaking three words!  Jesus demonstrates His power not only over sickness and nature, but also over the powers of the demonic realm!  Jesus is indeed LORD over all!

Questions to Ponder:

1. Infirmities such as blindness and disease as well as natural 
    disasters (Hurricane Sandy) can have a real negative impact 
    on people. In this passage, what negative affects did the 
    demons "Legion" have on the man possessed by them and the 
    community in which he lived?

2. After calming the storm (Mark 4), the disciples asked 
    themselves, who is this that even the wind and the waves 
    obey him?  How do the demons in this passage address Jesus?

3. After healing the demoniac, why do you think Jesus allows 
    him to remain in a town that didn't want anything to do with
    the One who healed him?

Prayer: Satan and his demons seek to kill, steal and destroy, but
Jesus came to give life and give it abundantly.  Give thanks to God for setting you free from the bondage of the devil and ask Him how He might want to use you today to tell others what He has done for you.

The Bux-Mont & Telford Campuses of the Penn Valley Church Multi-site Network are participating in the e100 Challenge, a 100-day Bible reading program. True revival comes from prayer and knowing the Word of God. We can only live the life God intended if we know what He says about it. Join us as we read through this plan and grow deeper in our knowledge of God's Word.