Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week One: Luke-Acts

Welcome to the Community Bible Experience! We are excited to embark on this 40 day journey as a family of families.  Get ready to read the Bible in a new way, the way you probably read books for pleasure.  Imagine that – reading the Bible as though it is a novel.  How do you think you might experience the Bible differently as a story than you do with your traditional Bible in its current structure?  When all the distractions of chapter and verse numbers disappear, reference marks no longer send you off to another book, and you read an entire line across an entire page, you can finally completely immerse yourself in the story of Jesus!  This is our goal.  We pray that the Penn Valley Church body will spend the next 8 weeks getting to know Jesus, the ultimate Protagonist of the Greatest story.  Let’s get started!

In Week One, we will read in Luke and Acts.  These books are two volumes of one work, which Luke wrote to Theophilus.  Luke’s goal was to present a truthful account of the life and ministry of Jesus and the ministry He commissioned.

Luke’s focus was the daily interactions between Jesus and the people.  As Jesus traveled, He went into the Synagogues to teach the Jews, taught the Gentiles who followed Him in houses and out in public, drove out demons and illness from many who approached Him, and dined with anyone who invited Him.  Luke wanted his reader to know that Jesus came to be the Savior of everyone: Jew and Gentile, healthy and sick, wealthy and poor, high society and outcast, stable and possessed.  Luke highlighted Christ’s compassion and power as perfectly integrated, issuing forgiveness and healing to anyone who had faith. 

In our weekly discussions, we’ll review the reading with book club style questions:

1. What's something you noticed for the first time?
2. What questions did you have?
3. Was there anything that bothered you?
4. What did you learn about loving God?
5. What did you learn about loving others?

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